Questions for Teachers to ask at teacher job interview

Here we have a look at possible questions for teachers to ask at a teacher job interview to finish in style.

At the closing stages of the interview it is always a good idea to ask some smart and well-thought out questions based around queries that might have cropped up when researching the school.

Certainly you don’t want to be seen to be asking questions just for the sake of it – remember the interview is a two way process, you need to be sure that the school is the right fit for you and you are going to be happy to remain three for the several years. If you don’t ask any questions, you might miss out on vital information and join the wrong school.

What should you avoid?

Any questions you ask should be positive, showing enthusiasm towards the school and your intent to take up the post. It is advisable to keep away from negative questions. If you want to know about issues identified in a recent Ofsted report, your questions should be phrased in a positive way focusing on how you want to be a part of the progress over the coming years.

Don’t ask about workload, additional duties or what time you can expect to leave in the evening. If this is important to you then you should try to find out tactfully from other staff members during your time at the school.

Remember, questions are good at the end of the interview but too many questions could give the wrong impression and result in you talking your way out of the job. We would suggest that three to four questions is sufficient.

Bear in mind that your questions might provoke follow up queries so be prepared to talk about the topic that you are introducing.

Teacher at Front of Class - Questions to Ask at Teacher Interview

Some Examples – Questions to ask at Teacher Job Interview

The questions you ask will of course depend upon what specifically you want to know about the school and the role you are interviewing for. If you are struggling for ideas, we have listed some questions below that might be useful for you.

  • I am always keen to develop my teaching further, what opportunities will there be for professional development at the school?
  • If appointed and successful in the post what opportunities are there for progression within the school?
  • What opportunities do you offer for professional development and growth?
  • How do you see my role developing at the school?
  • What is the last teacher to be recruited into the department/phase doing now? (this can also give an indication about staff turnover at the school)
  • What opportunities will I have to do extra-curricular activities?
  • I like using technology into the classroom where possible, what kind of resources would I have access to?
  • What key developments are planned at the school for the next few years
  • What is the school’s induction process like? (for NQTs)
  • If successful, who will be my NQT mentor?
  • What is the last NQT appointed in the department doing now?
  • How would you describe the school ethos?
  • What do you like most about the school?
  • What developments have you seen at the school since starting here?


We hope these suggestions for questions to ask at a teacher job interview give you food for thought. Perhaps the questions you were going to ask have been answered during the day or during the interview itself. If this is the case then don’t feel the need to ask them anyway. Let the interviewers know that all your questions have already been answered, then take the opportunity to indicate why you like the school and would like to work there.

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