English Language and English Literature are integral elements of the national curriculum. If you are a qualified teacher holding QTS or QTLS and you are loo
king for English Teacher Jobs in London schools then we will have long term or permanent opportunities for you. Please check out our current vacancies now.
English Language is the most important subject learnt in school, because good English is required to succeed in all the other subjects learnt in school.
Literature is a form of art; it is capable of bringing about differing emotions and it is the job of the English Teacher to develop their students’ appreciation of Literature that will then give them the capacity to develop this into an interest in books and reading as they develop into their adult lives.
English literature is a path to knowledge. Through the study of English Literature and the reading of a wide range of classic literature with good understanding, learners have a chance to develop culturally. English literature can introduce students to a range of aspects, not only of the English language but also of English culture. They learn how to read in depth, and evaluate the material critically. This in turn instigates teenagers to develop new ideas and ethical standpoints, which helps them into developing into full-rounded members of society.
It is the challenge of the secondary school English Teacher to help the students in understanding this importance and engaging them in their study. We are always looking for passionate English teachers for a variety of English Teacher jobs across London.
If you are interested in current or future English teaching vacancies then please visit our current vacancies now to see what opportunities we have teaching English in your London borough to start now or next term. Whether you are looking for a mainstream comprehensive, an academy school, special school or Pupil Referral Unit we can help you to find the right opportunity so please get in contact now.